Farm Happenings for December 18, 2021
For any of our past workers who have Final Exams this week, Good luck! I'll be working on minor repairs to the minimal damage we sustained in the wind Saturday, and then prepping the soil in "E" house for Spinach transplants next March.. That's a lot easier than cramming for exams! And more fun, too!
This is the final week for our Fall/ Winter CSA Distributions. Winter/ Spring CSA deliveries begin January 5, through April 23, 2022. Auto renew is set for Monday, December 20, and you will be charged for two deliveries at the time. After the first two deliveries in January, you will be charged "pay as you go" for each subsequent box received after that. This will keep the cash flow at a minimum for our members. If you want to make changes to your share or opt out of auto renew, simply go to your personal profile page to make the changes, or contact me for assistance.
We won't offer fruit share add ons this winter, but I will offer Seasonal Fruit as available in the weekly Harvie menu. Note also that the Allen Street Farmers Market will be closed after Wednesday until the first week in January.
This week I am at the Family Fare parking lot in Eaton Rapids on Wednesday at 12:00 noon, and the last Allen Street Market of the year after that, 3:00-6:00. Thursday afternoon is farm pick up, and Saturday I am at the parking lot behind Flour Child Bakery for all Grand Ledge delivery orders, 11:00-12:00 noon. I hope to see you soon!